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We had to hump (Infantry Term) all of my Earthly belongings on my back, which amounted to about 75-100 lbs.
Our Earthly belongings consisted of the following in our rucksack: one case of C rations (12 meals), one case (1,000 rounds) of .223 caliber ammunition, a hundred rounds of ammo for the squad’s M-60 machine gun, four pounds of C-4 plastic explosive, one claymore mine, poncho, poncho liner, several pairs of socks, Tabasco sauce (to enhance the flavor of the C-rations), These, and other sundry items, were in my rucksack, one PRC-25 radio battery, one machete, two smoke grenades, my letter writing materials, about 3-4 LRP Rations, my bandages, one gallon Lister bag of water, three canteens of water making the total weight in excess of 80 lbs.
We had to protect our feet from the Jungle Rot. I still to this day have scar-tissue from the Jungle Rot on my hands/wrists. Jungle rot sets in from broken places in your skin and all that awful rain. It would rain for 24 hrs. day, for about 2 months (Monsoon). I went through 2 monsoons while over there, because they moved us from Tuy Hoa to Pleiku.
We got re-supplied every 4 days except during the monsoon season. I will never forget the time that we went 28 days without getting re-supplied. My cloths actually rotted off of me. On the 4th day they would send us food and ammo then on the 8th day they would send us food, ammo, toiletries and one set of clothing. We took our baths whenever we came upon a stream. So now hopefully you understand why the photo quality is so poor of my photos.
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