Click On The Image To Enlarge %Photo was given to me by Kurt (Doc) Nagl
This photo was made @ out 1st reunion in the early 70s. The location was @ Tommy Rouths home in North Carolina.
Standing L to R: Routh, Poteet, White, Ervin, Teal, Beaver, Orr, Kidd, Callicutt
Kneeling L to R: Nagl, Dudley, ??, Prince, Rhodes
Sitting L to R: Pickett, Steen, Wylie, Talton. Walker
(The above photo was taken appx. 1972…5 yrs. After we got home from the war)
A Little History About The Band of Brothers
Routh: He is from N.C. He also received multiple Purple Hearts Medals.
Teal: He took a large piece of shrapnel to his head and got to come home. He fell from a scaffold while installing some glass in a building. He almost died from the fall down in Spartenburg, S.C. He finally succumbed to the dreaded disease of Cancer a few years ago.
Beaver: Benny is another Scott County Boy. He is now retired from both the Military and the Glass Plant.
Orr: Larry is from Wyoming. I took 2 boys out there in 1993 to hunt on Larry’s 10,200 acre Ranch. I had a most wonderful week with Larry just knocking around with him on his ranch.
Nagl: The only Flatfooted Yankee in the group. Dudley gave him this nickname during Basic Training in Jan. ’66. Kurt “DOC” Nagl was our Medic. He watched over us making sure that we took our daily and weekly Malaria Pills, our water purification pills. He patched our minor wounds and kept a close check on our feet inspecting them for JUNGLE ROT. Jim Lemmon was his most active patient.
Dudley: He is another boy from Princeton, N.C. I saw him last Summer in Nashville. He suffered a massive stroke earlier when the Docs tried to clear plaque build up in his neck arteries and a piece of plaque entered into Lionel’s Brain . He had to hobble on his right leg, limited motion with his right hand and arm and he had a lot of trouble with his speech. I am real thankful to J.L. and Chris for saving me from suffering with Paralysis from my stroke.
Steen & Wylie: They are black kids from N.C. I haven’t seen them since this photo opt. I loved them then and now. They were just like me, only their skin was a different color.
Talton: Without a doubt the very best friend that I had in Viet Nam. He is from Princeton, N.C. We were specialized in different weapons over there, some were specialized with the M16, others with the M60 Machine gun, the Stevens Pump Shotgun, The PRC25 Radio, and last but not the least the M-79 Grenade Launcher. George was one of my squad’s M79 men. He was a real expert on his weapon.
Walker: Rex was from N.C. He died approx. 10 years ago from a massive Heart Attack while working in his Beloved Apple Orchard. His wife Vada, emailed me several times. She asked me for photos of Rex. She was supposed to come to last summer’s reunion but she didn’t make it. Kurt told me that she developed cancer and that she was taking Chemo Treatments and was too sick to attend. Later I found out that she passed while we were at the Reunion.
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