Commercially prepared meals were used in the field and at times when hot meals were not available. These meals came in a case containing 12 meals. Each meal was in it's own cardboard box, which contained the individual items sealed in cans. A can opener (called both a "John Wayne" or a "P-38") was needed to open the cans. The accessory pack with each meal was sealed in a foil pouch.
This is the official Quartermaster's description of C-Rations used in Vietnam
"The Meal, Combat, Individual, is designed for issue as the tactical situation dictates, either in individual units as a meal or in multiples of three as a complete ration. Its characteristics emphasize utility, flexibility of use, and more variety of food components than were included in the Ration, Combat, Individual (C Ration) which it replaces. Twelve different menus are included in the specification.
Each menu contains: one canned meat item; one canned fruit, bread or dessert item; one B unit; an accessory packet containing cigarettes, matches, chewing gum, toilet paper, coffee, cream, sugar, and salt; and a spoon. Four can openers are provided in each case of 12 meals. Although the meat item can be eaten cold, it is more palatable when heated.
Each complete meal contains approximately 1200 calories. The daily ration of 3 meals provides approximately 3600 calories."
There were 4 choices of meat in each B group. Because there were several "vintages" of C’s issued to the Marines in Vietnam, more than 4 items may be listed in the B groups as well as the brands of cigarettes included in the accessory pack.
B-1 Units
Meat Choices (in small cans):
Beef Steak
Ham and Eggs,
Chopped Ham Slices
Turkey Loaf
Fruit Cocktail
Peanut Butter Candy Disc,
Solid Chocolate
Cream Coconut
Accessory Pack*
*Accessory Pack
Spoon, Plastic
Instant Sugar
Creamer, Non-dairy
2 Chicklets
Cigarettes, 4 smokes/pack Winston or Marlboro or Salem or Pall Mall or Camel or Chesterfield or Kent or Lucky Strike Kool Matches, Moisture Resistant Toilet Paper
B-2 Units
Meat Choices (in larger cans):
Beans and Wieners
Spaghetti and Meatballs
Beefsteak, Potatoes and Gravy
Ham and Lima Beans
Meatballs and Beans
Crackers (4)
Cheese Spread, Processed Caraway Pimento
Fruit Cake Pecan
Roll Pound Cake
Accessory Pack
Spoon, Plastic
Instant Sugar
Creamer, Non-dairy
Gum, 2 Chicklets
Cigarettes, 4 smokes/pack: Winston or Marlboro or Salem or Pall Mall or Camel or Chesterfield or Kent or Lucky Strike or Kool
Matches, Moisture Resistant
Toilet Paper
B-3 Units
Meat Choices (in small cans):
Boned Chicken
Chicken and Noodles
Meat Loaf
Spiced Beef
White Cookies (4)
Cocoa Beverage Powder
Jam: Apple or Berry or Grape or Strawberry
Mixed Fruit
Accessory Pack
Spoon, Plastic
Coffee, Instant
Creamer, Non-dairy
Gum, 2 Chicklets
Cigarettes, 4 smokes/pack : Winston or Marlboro or Salem or Pall Mall or Camel or Chesterfield or Kent or Lucky Strike or Kool
Matches, Moisture Resistant
Toilet Paper
How to make a C-Ration Stove:
The small cans included in the meal were ideal for making a stove. Using a "John Wayne" pierce a series of closely spaced holes around the top and
bottom rims of the can. This stove was satisfactory, but did not allow enough oxygen to enter which caused incomplete burning of the blue Trioxin heat tablet, causing fumes which irritated the eyes and respiratory tract. A whole heat tab had to be used.
A better stove was created by simply using the can opener end of a "church key" (a flat metal device designed to open soft drink and beer containers with a bottle opener on one end and can opener on the other commonly used before the invention of the pull tab and screw-off bottle top) to puncture triangular holes around the top and bottom rims of the can which resulted in a hotter fire and much less fumes. With this type of stove only half a Trioxin heat tab was needed to heat the meal and then the other half could be used to heat water for coffee or cocoa. A small chunk of C-4 explosive could also be substituted for the Trioxin tablet for faster heating. It would burn hotter and was much better for heating water. . A stove was usually carried in the back pack or cargo pocket and used repeatedly until the metal began to fail.
How to Heat a C-Ration Meal:
1. Choose the meal to be consumed
2. Open the can lid leaving at least 1/4 inch metal attached
3. Bend the still attached lid so that the inside of the can lid is facing 180 degrees from it's original position (inside up).
4. Bend the edges of the can to form a handle
5. Set meal on stove and heat to desired temperature, stirring frequently to prevent burning.
"Outstanding" Ham & Mothers:
1. Open and heat a can of Ham and Lima Beans
2. When hot, add one can of cheese spread and stir until all cheese is melted.
3. Crumble 4 crackers into the mixture and blend thoroughly.
Eat when the crackers have absorbed all excess moisture.
Commercially prepared meals were used in the field and at times when hot meals were not available. These meals came in a case containing 12 meals. Each meal was in it's own cardboard box, which contained the individual items sealed in cans. A can opener (called both a "John Wayne" or a "P-38") was needed to open the cans. The accessory pack with each meal was sealed in a foil pouch.
This is the official Quartermaster's description of C-Rations used in Vietnam
"The Meal, Combat, Individual, is designed for issue as the tactical situation dictates, either in individual units as a meal or in multiples of three as a complete ration. Its characteristics emphasize utility, flexibility of use, and more variety of food components than were included in the Ration, Combat, Individual (C Ration) which it replaces. Twelve different menus are included in the specification.
Each menu contains: one canned meat item; one canned fruit, bread or dessert item; one B unit; an accessory packet containing cigarettes, matches, chewing gum, toilet paper, coffee, cream, sugar, and salt; and a spoon. Four can openers are provided in each case of 12 meals. Although the meat item can be eaten cold, it is more palatable when heated.
Each complete meal contains approximately 1200 calories. The daily ration of 3 meals provides approximately 3600 calories."
There were 4 choices of meat in each B group. Because there were several "vintages" of C’s issued to the Marines in Vietnam, more than 4 items may be listed in the B groups as well as the brands of cigarettes included in the accessory pack.
B-1 Units
Meat Choices (in small cans):
Beef Steak
Ham and Eggs,
Chopped Ham Slices
Turkey Loaf
Fruit Cocktail
Peanut Butter Candy Disc,
Solid Chocolate
Cream Coconut
Accessory Pack*
*Accessory Pack
Spoon, Plastic
Instant Sugar
Creamer, Non-dairy
2 Chicklets
Cigarettes, 4 smokes/pack Winston or Marlboro or Salem or Pall Mall or Camel or Chesterfield or Kent or Lucky Strike Kool Matches, Moisture Resistant Toilet Paper
B-2 Units
Meat Choices (in larger cans):
Beans and Wieners
Spaghetti and Meatballs
Beefsteak, Potatoes and Gravy
Ham and Lima Beans
Meatballs and Beans
Crackers (4)
Cheese Spread, Processed Caraway Pimento
Fruit Cake Pecan
Roll Pound Cake
Accessory Pack
Spoon, Plastic
Instant Sugar
Creamer, Non-dairy
Gum, 2 Chicklets
Cigarettes, 4 smokes/pack: Winston or Marlboro or Salem or Pall Mall or Camel or Chesterfield or Kent or Lucky Strike or Kool
Matches, Moisture Resistant
Toilet Paper
B-3 Units
Meat Choices (in small cans):
Boned Chicken
Chicken and Noodles
Meat Loaf
Spiced Beef
White Cookies (4)
Cocoa Beverage Powder
Jam: Apple or Berry or Grape or Strawberry
Mixed Fruit
Accessory Pack
Spoon, Plastic
Coffee, Instant
Creamer, Non-dairy
Gum, 2 Chicklets
Cigarettes, 4 smokes/pack : Winston or Marlboro or Salem or Pall Mall or Camel or Chesterfield or Kent or Lucky Strike or Kool
Matches, Moisture Resistant
Toilet Paper
How to make a C-Ration Stove:
The small cans included in the meal were ideal for making a stove. Using a "John Wayne" pierce a series of closely spaced holes around the top and
bottom rims of the can. This stove was satisfactory, but did not allow enough oxygen to enter which caused incomplete burning of the blue Trioxin heat tablet, causing fumes which irritated the eyes and respiratory tract. A whole heat tab had to be used.
A better stove was created by simply using the can opener end of a "church key" (a flat metal device designed to open soft drink and beer containers with a bottle opener on one end and can opener on the other commonly used before the invention of the pull tab and screw-off bottle top) to puncture triangular holes around the top and bottom rims of the can which resulted in a hotter fire and much less fumes. With this type of stove only half a Trioxin heat tab was needed to heat the meal and then the other half could be used to heat water for coffee or cocoa. A small chunk of C-4 explosive could also be substituted for the Trioxin tablet for faster heating. It would burn hotter and was much better for heating water. . A stove was usually carried in the back pack or cargo pocket and used repeatedly until the metal began to fail.
How to Heat a C-Ration Meal:
1. Choose the meal to be consumed
2. Open the can lid leaving at least 1/4 inch metal attached
3. Bend the still attached lid so that the inside of the can lid is facing 180 degrees from it's original position (inside up).
4. Bend the edges of the can to form a handle
5. Set meal on stove and heat to desired temperature, stirring frequently to prevent burning.
"Outstanding" Ham & Mothers:
1. Open and heat a can of Ham and Lima Beans
2. When hot, add one can of cheese spread and stir until all cheese is melted.
3. Crumble 4 crackers into the mixture and blend thoroughly.
Eat when the crackers have absorbed all excess moisture.
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